Author Archives: Cindo Santos

About Cindo Santos

Songwriter, guitarist, singer, performer, a human and social commentator, a fellow traveller. From Florida to Berlin and a lot in between!

Accept Yourself, Accept the World

You do need to accept yourself as you are. If you do, then you won’t waste your time and energy on punishing yourself for having messed up at something, and you’ll be able to move on from the negative experience … Continue reading

Posted in Insights: Personal & Social | 2 Comments

Where I’m coming from musically; where I am at.

I’m now working on my next song which I’m producing as a kind of “ZZ Trap” LOL. It’s called Whole Lotta Trouble. To understand this, you have to understand where I’m coming from musically, my influences: Led Zeppelin, CCR, The … Continue reading

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Realizing the Obvious

I just realized (actually, a couple years ago in an accidently-unpublished Post) that most times I have some big personal realization (insight), it’s been right there all along, I just hadn’t realized it before (pun intended).

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Constant Social Media Connectivity is Messing up the Brains of Older People More than Young People!

Wow, that was an old post draft – I wrote it June 2020. And it’s so darn true!!!

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Subscribe, be part of the History

Now you can S u b s c r i b e for all the consequential Music and Videos & Events, Merch & Offers, coming our way.

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Why don’t I ever see the glass is half empty?

You know, I’ve noticed that I have some kind of a filter that only allows me to see the good things that happen to me in life. I tend to disregard what goes bad, to see only new opportunities when … Continue reading

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What do young people have in common with old people?

Neither gives a fuck!

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California Dreamin’ or Oblivious & Delusional

I’m on my way to Cali Dec. 14th to Jan 5th to finish recording and producing my next and final four songs for my EP 2020 (out hmm around March, 2020, duh). I realized something odd, all the people I … Continue reading

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Yes, I absolutely want it badly!

I remember reading a year or two ago, while I was still questioning, was unsure of jumping fully into this music business as performing artist and all that, that one of the personal ingredients you really need is wanting it, … Continue reading

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Your production quality is inversely proportional to the distance between your butt and the chair

I started working on my next (second) song Whole Lotta Trouble yesterday. Keep in mind, all songs I work on already have a finished lyric and music, it’s a question of producing them. And I’m backlogged! So, inspired by the … Continue reading

Posted in Music Production & Business | 1 Comment