Author Archives: Cindo Santos
Just found this from 2010
As I’m revamping all my websites and social media presence, I just realized this was the content of my About section in my blog: ” Truth be told, I have a daytime job and limited time for posting and all … Continue reading
Not knowing what to do is as bad as having too many things to do! (This is great news!)
And another thing. I started writing this in my Notes under Blog 2019. Do you know how many insights I’ve had in life which are meant to be posted, but they are – sad little things, dozens or more of … Continue reading
Don’t Plan; Just Do It!
Diving deeper, busier, into my career, I realized this morning, just as I’m getting out of bed (ooh, that’s the name of one of my songs) that I have to change my creative paradigm from putting away ideas into finishing … Continue reading
First, they found water on Mars
First, they found water, ice as it was, on Mars.Then they found gold, a rush to a new start.The West is long gone and on fire,Now we have a new frontier.Humans in their spaceships, carrying spears.
Shaunna Hall – Summer of Love & My hometown Coimbra, Portugal
Wow, It’s been half a century since the Summer of Love. As luck would have it (as usual?), I was there to celebrate it earlier this summer with my friend Suzanne who I hadn’t seen in 20 years and my … Continue reading
80/20 “rule” for Finishing and Releasing my Songs
Whoa, what is going on with failing to finish and releasing my songs?! I was just reading an article from SageAudio – where “The Pareto Principle in reference to mixing says that 80% of results come relatively fast, while the … Continue reading
Lovers Come and Go
Hi, I miss your warmth, A little bit. Miss to byte, just a little, Your peachy lip. I miss you giggling At things that aren’t particularly funny, How you call me darling Rather than honey. But, hey, Lovers Come … Continue reading
Paralyzed by Fear Less and Less
It’s true, less is more: less fear, more of life! The great news is that I was accepted at the Transmute Retreat in New Smyrna Beach – I’m so excited, I’m so challenged by this (these people are goood), so … Continue reading
Paralyzed by Fear
No, this not the title of some self-help book; this is me now. Fear of commitment to my music career, fear of jumping in the water, fear of not being able to keep with it, stay afloat, once I jump … Continue reading
Thoughts on Religion after seeing the movie The Promise
After seeing the movie The Promise about the Armenians being, let’s say, pushed out, of Turkey, driving home, a bit bummed out, it became really clear to me what religion is for, what role if fulfills in human beings, why … Continue reading